Tuesday, January 7, 2020

I feel like it has been a long time since I wrote here. That's because I had a major problem with the figure shading and it took awhile to figure out what to do. Usually I say that almost anything can be fixed or manipulated. The key word here is "almost". Some green paint (which stains easily) seeped  under the maskoid on my central, little figure. I tried to wipe it out. No go. I painted over it. That didn't work either. I resorted to putting watercolor ground over it in desperation. That didn't work because it remained a lighter color when I painted over it.

I swallowed my pride and ordered a set of gouache basic colors. I mixed the figure color and painted over it. It worked! I could hardly believe it. I consider myself a watercolor purist, but I also have to be realistic. That painting was ruined if I didn't do something drastic. So now I can say that it is done. It is 33 x 18 inches without white showing.

I am including photos of my color tester sheets and my palette for this work. Some people might find that interesting.

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