Sunday, March 8, 2020

I studied the lights and shadows of the ring and watch off and on all day Saturday. Finally painted the ring that afternoon. That sounded so easy, didn't it? (I'm in my teaching mode now.) First I realized that I drew the ring poorly. So I went back and redrew it. Even then, it wasn't particularly accurate. I had a magnify lens that I would stare with, looking as deeply as I could and think about how to paint those light reflections and shadows. I did that for about 10 minutes until I couldn't stand to look anymore. Then I would get up and walk away. Maybe go out into the garden, pet the dog, visit with Bill or go run an errand. That is what I did off and on all day until what I needed to do was clear in my mind. The actual painting was done in about 10 minutes. Still working on the watch. That is easier because I don't want much detail. I want the little people to draw in the viewer, not the watch.

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