Saturday, November 23, 2019

I didn't realize it had been a month since my last post. Since that last one, I have delivered, picked up painting at 5 places and went to 3 openings. I over booked myself. I won't do that again. It disrupts my painting "mojo".

This painting has had many problems, one of which is the size. Larger than life, I haven't been able to paint sitting down. You wouldn't think that could be a problem, but it does create problems. A big painting means there is a need for big brushes. I didn't have many. And the only flat brushes I had were 2 Japanese Haki brushes. I ordered several new ones.

When I started this painting, I didn't want the same green shading that was in the photo. Yet I have ended up bringing green back into it. When I made the original drawing, I was too sketchy. I didn't draw the nose and mouth with sufficient detail. So I ended up having to make corrections as I painted. That was very stressful. This particular 300 lb. paper is not very forgiving.

Now, even though it's close to Thanksgiving, I should be able to get more done on this portrait. I am getting tired of it and want to start something new. In the photo below I have added a layer of shading using Winsor Green mixed with Alizarin Crimson.

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